Spring Cleaning Tips for a Fresh Start in the New Season

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Mar 05, 2024

Have you kicked off your spring cleaning yet? There’s no better time than spring to embrace the opportunity for a fresh start in your living space. Spring cleaning isn’t just about dusting off surfaces and tidying up—it’s a chance to breathe new life into your home so you can unwind, recharge and embrace the beauty of the season.

Ready to roll up your sleeves, open the windows, let in the fresh air and start cleaning? Keep reading to learn our favorite tips and products for spring cleaning.

Get motivated to clean (#cleantok, anyone?)

Finding the motivation to start cleaning can sometimes be the biggest hurdle, but with trends like #cleantok on social media, there’s no shortage of inspiration to be found. Whether you’re looking for cleaning hacks, checklists, organization tips or just some motivation to get started, social media is a hub for spring cleaning ideas and inspo.

Stock up on cleaning products

Having the right tools and products can make all the difference when it comes to tackling spring cleaning tasks (and it can also make cleaning more fun!). Stock up on essentials like microfiber cleaning cloths, Swedish dishcloths, biodegradable kitchen sponges, and bamboo dish brushes to make cleaning more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Give your space a deep clean

A deep clean is essential to spring cleaning. During this step, pay special attention to neglected areas that accumulate dirt and grime over time, like baseboards, window sills and door frames. Scrub down kitchen cabinets and appliances, including the oven and refrigerator. In the bathroom, tackle soap scum and grout buildup in showers and tubs. Remember to launder curtains, linens and throw blankets to remove dust and odors, and vacuum and spot clean upholstery to refresh sofas and chairs.

Create a sanctuary

After your deep clean, consider adding decor like plants, cozy blankets and soothing, spring-themed scents to create a calming atmosphere. Don’t forget your outdoor environment—prepare a garden or potted plants to take full advantage of the warmer months.

Digital detox

Just as our physical spaces can become cluttered, so too can our digital lives. Spring clean your digital devices by organizing files and deleting unused apps. Consider setting boundaries for screen time to prioritize real-life connections and experiences this spring so you can make the most of the season.

Are you ready for spring? Are you doing any spring cleaning? Enter below for a chance to win the cleaning products mentioned above!

Spring Cleaning Tips Giveaway

Thanks to all who entered! Congrats to our winner SheSpeaks member jberrry.

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kpalacios1296 by kpalacios1296 | CORP CHRISTI, TX
Mar 18, 2024

Definitely going to be delving deeper into TIKTOK

Jaxgma2020 by Jaxgma2020 | JACKSONVILLE, FL
Mar 17, 2024

Seems like Spring cleaning never ends here.

vickimarie2002 by vickimarie2002 | Aurora, NE
Mar 16, 2024

I'm in the process of decluttering and getting rid of clothes.

Lms8585 by Lms8585 | Tizayuca, OU
Mar 14, 2024

Hey lady's how about a great cleaning product that can also keep those nasty spiders away.!! If you mix some white vinegar with some lemon juice and of course so it doesn't smell so bad you can and any essential oil scent you like. Now you have a great disinfectant spray for your bathroom and your kitchen. In a spray bottle half white vinegar half water half a cup of lemon juice and a few drops of your favorite scent. Now let get rid of that other scary problem cuz I don't know about you all out there but I hate spiders I even have a phobia. So here you go in a spray bottle half water half white vinegar if you want few drops of your scent and those spiders go running. Spray this where you see them around door ways and windows they are not coming back. Just a few spray of this hits the spider they will die. Slowly but they die. I use my self here I live we have some big scary looking spiders. You do that twice a week your all set.

mollywolly by mollywolly | clark, NJ
Mar 13, 2024

This is a great blog article! I like the helpful tips!

aurora88 by aurora88 | ENGLEWOOD, CO
Mar 12, 2024

I love cleaning my house

Reagan64 by Reagan64 | TEHACHAPI, CA
Mar 12, 2024

Love a clean house but deep cleaning can be a daunting task. Instead, break it up in manageable smaller tasks. Do a little bit of cleaning each day to help yourself get through it, make a list.

ink123 by ink123 | CHICAGO, IL
Mar 12, 2024

always need a fresh start

xtine007 by xtine007 | Turtle Creek, PA
Mar 11, 2024

I am so ready for spring. I am over this cold weather and the snow yuck! I have not started my spring cleaning yet, but will definitely be doing it probably in a month or so. These products would make it so much more enjoyable- Ty for hosting this giveaway!

kmiller215 by kmiller215 | KNG OF PRUSSA, PA
Mar 10, 2024

Love environmentally friendly!!

KouponKat by KouponKat | NAPERVILLE, IL
Mar 10, 2024

I've started my spring cleaning and I'd love to win some new products.

palapalaluke by palapalaluke | VACAVILLE, CA
Mar 10, 2024

I never thought about my digital cleaning. Love it!

kugrad2005 by kugrad2005 | Springfield, MO
Mar 10, 2024

I actually look forward to spring cleaning, helps clear my head and my house lol

carrotrunr by carrotrunr | ST LOUIS PARK, MN
Mar 10, 2024

Def ready for spring! As for spring cleaning, we'll see :)

kvskrzat by kvskrzat | Horsham, PA
Mar 09, 2024

I am 100% ready for spring. I try to clean year round.