Restock Your Women's Wellness Products With Bayer

    by   SheSpeaksTeam   

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Jan 08, 2024

Nothing is worse than opening your wellness cabinet to find expired, or empty products. With the new year upon us, you don’t want to forget to stock up on your essential Women's Wellness Bayer products at your local Walmart.

Check out how SheSpeaks influencers have been restocking their household with their go-to Bayer products at Walmart! Click here to add these Bayer products like Alka-Seltzer®, Midol®, Aleve®, and One-A-Day® Women’s VitaCraves® Multivitamin Gummies to your Walmart cart now. *Use as Directed.

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A post shared by SARAH EMMANUEL (@iamsarah_sarah)

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A post shared by Giustina Miller (@domesticallyblissful)

Enter our giveaway below for a chance to win a $50 Walmart gift card!
Bayer Restock Giveaway  

One lucky winner will be chosen at random to receive a $50 Walmart Gift Card. Giveaway is open to U.S. residents 18 years or older. Enter through Jan 31st. Winner will be chosen randomly and notified by email. Entrants must be a member of SheSpeaks. If you are not a member, click here to join.

Thanks to all who entered! Congrats to our winner SheSpeaks member ashleyns1017.

Make a Comment

by azuralma | EDMOND, OK
Jan 26, 2024

One a day vitamins - my go to for me and my teens.

by deedee62 | APPLETON, WI
Jan 24, 2024

Love Walmart and looking to ways for a healthier life.

by shonvic1981 | GRAND PRAIRIE, TX
Jan 24, 2024

Happy New Year! The products are must have. Ty for the chance to win your giveaway.

by kimdm316 | Lyles, TN
Jan 24, 2024

Thanks for this giveaway!

by Kassiec323 | Warrenville, IL
Jan 21, 2024

It's my birthday today !!!

by ronikala | DEARBORN HTS, MI
Jan 19, 2024

Sounds great!

by tripichick | EUGENE, OR
Jan 18, 2024

i consume remarkably little

by kflickinger73 | South Lyon, MI
Jan 14, 2024

Happy New Year ! We love Walmart , the best deals!

by hunnydu | PHILADELPHIA, PA
Jan 13, 2024

Happy New Year🎊🎊🍾 Vitamins always!!

by aurora88 | ENGLEWOOD, CO
Jan 12, 2024

Walmart is sooo close to my home, I can go everyday

by suzieqmac6 | SHARON, SC
Jan 11, 2024

Very good products.

by tslewis | Augusta, WV
Jan 11, 2024

Happy New Year and love wellness!

by dem3424 | CLEARWATER, FL
Jan 11, 2024

I'm on a fixed income and this would help with my wellness.

by rstone215 | Stratford, NJ
Jan 11, 2024

Would love to win to help restock my vitamins

by Thecorpsebride | N SCITUATE, RI
Jan 11, 2024

Happy new year to everyone!
