Stress Less in 2021 & Beyond. Plus, Win a Comfy to Feel Cozy all Day Long. #SheSpeaksLessStress

    by   SheSpeaksTeam   

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Jan 14, 2021

2020 was the year that simplicity came back in style. Embrace it! Check out the ways that you can save time - and be less stressed - in 2021 and beyond.

Enter to win one of this year's most popular gifts: The Comfy, a giant sweatshirt/wearable blanket that will make you feel cozy all day long.

Style the way you want to

You made it through a year thinking less about your wardrobe and your makeup. Did you stop blow-drying your hair, streamline your makeup routine or spend less time picking the perfect accessories? Bring back all of the stylizing that truly makes you feel good. But stop doing everything you do because you think you "should."

If being cozy is your jam, you're not alone. Wearing sweatpants all day, or even PJs, has become the uniform for so many. Try The Comfy, a giant sweatshirt/wearable blanket. It not only keeps you warm, it also makes you feel like you are being hugged all day. Wear it while you are working from home, walking the dog, or just curled up on the couch after a long day. Automatic de-stress. Enter below to win your choice of Comfy! 

Self-Care, the Modern Way

Even when you don't have the time - or the energy - to do everything you need to lower your stress level, there are still small things you can do to take care of yourself.

Think of one thing each day that makes you feel good and incorporate it into your daily life. For some, that's a walk around the block with a friend, watching a favorite show while folding the laundry, or listening to a podcast while making dinner. (We highly recommend our favorite podcast, SheSpeaks: How She Does It). For others, it's trying out a face mask or giving yourself a manicure. (Find out easy how-to tips here!) No matter what it is that you like to do, put it on your calendar, even if it's just for a few minutes each day.

Also, make sure to have a bedtime ritual that you look forward to. End each day listening to your favorite playlist, drinking a warm de-caffinated drink, or trying  aromatherapy. If you have extra time, check out these simple tips to make a bath soak or body scrub using ingredients you likely already have. Ending each day calmly will help you sleep and feel more energized the next morning.

At Home Basics

Take the stress out of cooking. If you have an Air Fryer or an Instant Pot, you know what time-savers they can be. And the Always Pan was one of the most-talked about new items last year since it combines multiple types of cookwear into one handy piece.

But if you don't have those items - or even if you do - there are still plenty of ways to worry less about meal prep - without resorting to takeout. One idea: Make sure to have leftovers. On the nights when you do have the time to cook, double your recipe. Make two meatloafs, or cook extra chicken. You can freeze the leftovers or save them in the fridge for a night when you know you'll be busy.

Also: try themed nights. Half the challenge of cooking is deciding what to make. When you know that Monday is pasta, Tuesday is tacos, Wednesday is fish and Thursday is stir-fry, there is much less thought involved. Plus, it's much quicker to shop when you have standard ingredients each week.

To make cooking feel like more of an activity and less of a chore, try cooking with family or friends, virutally. When SheSpeaks staffer, Susan, missed celebrating the holidays with the special foods her mom always makes, she decided to cook together. Both she and her mom got the ingredients in advance and then her mom walked her through how to make the dishes. "It was so much fun to chat while we cooked, and then to show each other our final products - which looked very different from each other!"

What are you doing to feel less stress this year? Tell us to win your choice of Comfy!

#SheSpeaksSimple Giveaway

*One person will be chosen at random to receive a Comfy, in their choice of color and style.Giveaway is open through January 31, 2021 to U.S. residents at least 18 years of age. Entrants must be a member of SheSpeaks. If you are not a member, click here to join. Winner will be notified by email.

Update: Thanks to all who entered! Congrats to SheSpeaks winner

Make a Comment

by rubydreamer | ALBURTIS, PA
Jan 14, 2021

While we need to stay up to date to the news and what's  happening in the world, I find it very stressful to be watching or reading the news all the time, so I've cut back on that aspect of my life to try to create a more peaceful life. Many things are out of our hands, so it does no good to worry about things all the time. 

by scifelli3 | VERNON, NJ
Jan 14, 2021

Wow I could use this soooooo bad!!

by BostonTerriers | MANVEL, TX
Jan 14, 2021

Trying to declutter and toss stuff to keep it simple.

by tvgirl68 | SILVERTHORNE, CO
Jan 14, 2021

To feel less stress, I kickbox. It is a great way to get out of a bad or stressful mood instantly. 

by eac62387 | Stevens, PA
Jan 14, 2021

simple meals!

by rugame2 | Chicago, IL
Jan 14, 2021

This looks so comfy, I would live in this sweatshirt all day long

by Quiet2468 | FORT MILL, SC
Jan 14, 2021

Taking a few hours to myself. No electronics just cuddled on the couch thinking of all things positive. 

by mare1981 | SCHAUMBURG, IL
Jan 14, 2021

Doing lots of reading to destress

by ShellM4 | RED HOOK, NY
Jan 14, 2021

More crock pot recipes for less time in the kitchen

by kelceyryder | San Jose, CA
Jan 14, 2021

How warm and comfy would this be? Now I can get rid of all the silly blanket and just snuggle up with this. And I can get rid of the Snuggli from years back that I am using now....

by Justmissash | CLATSKANIE, OR
Jan 14, 2021

Staying organize, focus on what I can accomplish and do and try not to worry and ride this out with my family. Cozy blankets and coffee definitely helps! 

by poochiecoo | FARMINGTON, MN
Jan 14, 2021

I have been reading more

by Karenf | AUSTIN, TX
Jan 14, 2021

Staying in and being safe. 

by cyndylew26 | CHICAGO, IL
Jan 14, 2021

The Covid world is the most stressful thing going nowadays. To keep me stress free, I just simply stay home a whole lot more than I used to. You'll be amazed at the thing I can do at home to stay entertained and structly stress free.

by mylabnewfie | Barnstead, NH
Jan 14, 2021

I'm keeping it simple by living day by day and not trying to go too far ahead. Also started taking care of myself more and doing more things for me instaed of everyone else.
