Our Workout Must-Have #SecretClinicalAtWalmart

    by   SheSpeaksTeam   

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Oct 16, 2020


Whether you exercise at the gym, go for a run outside, or are hitting your exercise bike at home, staying fresh and dry is a must!  

Instagram fitness guru @naomi.kong posted, “Get your sweaty workouts on and be shameless about it with Secret Clinical Strength deodorant.”

We agree with Naomi – it’s pretty awesome that Secret Clinical Strength deodorant lasts 48 hours – two full days! You apply two clicks per underarm at night before bed, and that one application will last 48 hours, and through your sweatiest workouts.

Click here to toss Secret Clinical Strength deodorant into your Walmart cart or look for Secret Clinical Strength Deodorant at Walmart stores.

We’re giving you the chance to enter to win an at-home workout kit! Enter below for a chance to win a Secret Clinical Strength deodorant, a yoga mat, a strength band and a $25 Walmart gift card.

  Secret Clinical Giveaway (DRAFT)

One lucky entrant will be chosen at random to receive a Secret Clinical Strength deodorant, a yoga mat & strength band (via Walmart.com), and a $25 Walmart gift card. Giveaway is open to U.S. residents 18 years or older. Enter through October 31, 2020. Winner will be chosen randomly by November 2, 2020 and notified by email.

Update: Thanks to all who entered! Congrats to our winner, SheSpeaks member 

Make a Comment

by angelpetals4 | LONEDELL, MO
Nov 01, 2020

Can't wait to try this out. I'll be looking for it at Walmart Monday when I go.

by trinajane | Conway, SC
Oct 31, 2020

Wow I would love to try this Clinical Strength ! I have used Powder Scent Secret for years and years

by trinajane | Conway, SC
Oct 31, 2020

I have used Secret Powder Scent for years and years! I havenot tried this one yet

by Tymberlynn | UPPR CHICHSTR, PA
Oct 30, 2020

This is awesome! Thank you guys for the opportunity and congratulations to whoever ends up being the lucky winner! So glad to be a part of SheSpeaks! 🙌🏼💜

by Carlitaisfun | READING, PA
Oct 29, 2020

I tend to sweat a lot and I have not found a deorant that really gets the job done. This would be awesome to win!

by curiousgirl | Whitefish Bay, WI
Oct 29, 2020

This would be a huge confidence booster on big work presentation days!!

Oct 29, 2020

Would love to win this love Secret and Walmart

by Kelsieb753 | BEAVER, PA
Oct 29, 2020

Extra strength when I need it at its most. Never have those annoying armpit stains after a long stressful day 

by sw2982 | DREXEL HILL, PA
Oct 29, 2020

One of the only brands I have found to work for me!

by millitt | Fort Worth, TX
Oct 28, 2020

I hope I win!

by cstephrun | ARLINGTON, TX
Oct 28, 2020

I've definitely gotten into working out at home these past few months, would love to win this kit!

by Nydrom1984 | S EL MONTE, CA
Oct 28, 2020

I'd love to win this work out kit! It looks amazing and I've just started working out again. 

by Britney4 | OXNARD, CA
Oct 28, 2020

I need to start to workout!

by mishpie | Tulsa, OK
Oct 28, 2020

I would love to win this workout kit!  I love to workout and I believe that a physical workout, helps not only your body but your mind!  I like to sweat hard, as it allows for negativity and toxins to escape the body!  The antiperspirant and the resisitance bands are going to be amazing to keep me fit and in great mental health!

by sigman7 | Reynoldsburg, OH
Oct 28, 2020

I would love to win this! Perfect for being at home!!
