#MayDaysGiveaways: Memorial Day BBQ! Enter to Win a Philips Multi Chopper & $75 Grocery Gift Card!

    by   SheSpeaksTeam   

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May 22, 2019

Fire up that grill... the unofficial start to summer is here! We're so excited for delicious food, fun drinks and get-togethers with friends. But after a day outside, we don't want to spend a lot of time prepping dinner. Luckily, there's a solution.

Make your barbeque easy and delicious with our #MayDaysGiveaways week four prize. We're giving away a Philips Multi Chopper ($59.95 value) and a $75 gift card to the winner's choice of grocery store!

The Philips Multi Chopper is a useful kitchen tool that makes prepping food a snap. Check out this video from SheSpeaks staffer Missy, as she uses the chopper to shred carrots for cole slaw to bring to her next pot luck!

For this weekend's barbeque, we're excited to try the chopper on these delicious recipes: Watermelon SalsaTexas CaviarOrzo Salad and Toasted Strawberry "Shortcake" with Basil Whipped Cream. Yum!

What are your favorite foods to eat at a barbeque?

Enter week 4 of our SheSpeaks #MayDaysGiveaways below.

Note: this giveaway ends on Tuesday, May 28. Come back to enter our next giveaway on Wednesday, May 29 - and every week in May!

#MayDaysGiveaways Week 4: Memorial Day BBQ!

*One lucky contestant will be chosen at random to receive a Philips Multi Chopper ($59.95 value) and a $75 gift card to winner's choice of grocery store, provided that the gift card can be easily bought online. Giveaway is open through Tuesday, May 28 to U.S. residents at least 18 years of age. Entrants must be a member of SheSpeaks. If you are not a member, click here to join. Winner will be notified by email.

Update: Thanks to all who entered. Congrats to our winner, SheSpeaks member Becs_d!

Make a Comment

by MomOnTheEdge | Marblehead, OH
May 28, 2019

I love grilled corn on the cob with BBQ chicken!

by ecollins86 | Laveen, AZ
May 28, 2019


by kellsbells10 | Green Bay, WI
May 27, 2019

I am a Ribs girl on the grill all the way.. I like to precook them in the oven at 275 degrees on a rack over Hard Cider for about 2 hours. Take them out and grill them with a combination of BQ Sauces.....YUM

by Angelwolfstorm | GUYTON, GA
May 27, 2019


by Cpeeples81 | MANCHESTER, NH
May 27, 2019

Gonna go BBQ with friends and family!! Happy memorial day!!

by jas3535 | Howell , NJ
May 27, 2019

Veggie cheeseburgers. I like a healthy BBQ! Salads and corn on the cob!!

by lolalexx_ | Lexington, KY
May 27, 2019

I LOVE fruits and black bean burgers at cookouts!!

by museofmyself | Tacoma, WA
May 27, 2019

I've been a vegetarian for almost four years now, but sometimes I cheat! Lately, I've been craving BBQ chicken ... and any type of veggies cooked on the grill = YUMMY.

by Squinty1989 | OTIS, OR
May 27, 2019

Hot dog hot dogs, hamburger, pork chops, and grilled watermelon.

by payjjw | Douglasville, GA
May 26, 2019

A nice juicy hamburger is my favorite barbecued food. Hot dogs would be second on the list.

by upstatemissy | Mc Donough, NY
May 26, 2019

I love burgers on the grill and homemade potato salad.

by corabishop | AUBURN, WA
May 26, 2019

Potato salad is my favorite thing to eat at BBQs

by evamack | Bethlehem, PA
May 26, 2019

Cheese Burger

by orchidlady01 | PEMBROKE PNES, FL
May 26, 2019

My favorites are potato salad and corn on the cob.

by TucciM | Fairview, NJ
May 26, 2019

I live anything and everything on the barbecue!!!
