How To Survive the Holidays in 3 Easy Steps. Plus, a Giveaway to Help Pay Your #HolidayBills!

    by   SheSpeaksTeam   

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Nov 16, 2016

Just thinking about holiday cooking and shopping was stressing us out. Luckily, a couple of weeks ago, we asked you for your favorite holiday #SurvivalTips and as usual, you did not disasapoint. We read through them all, and figured out an easy Three-Step Plan to get us through to January 2.

Since you were so forthcoming with your assistance, we decided to pay it back. Enter our giveaway, and a lucky winner will receive $150 to help pay off some holiday bills!

Step 1: Plan early

That goes for cooking... "Plan plan plan ahead. I make the desserts ahead of time and put in the freezer. I also do slow cooker mashed potatoes, and make the turkey the day before, slice, and put it in gravy. On turkey day I heat everything up. I can visit and relax with my guests." - apeski

And shopping... "The best advice is that you can never start Christmas shopping too early. If you see items at good prices in September, scoop them up and that is one less present you have to buy." - sweetlee

Step 2: Don't Go It Alone

When friends or family offer to help, say yes... "Don't be afraid to accept their help when they offer. Some of my favorite conversations have taken place while doing dishes with my grandmother and aunts!" - MomOnTheEdge

And if they aren't offering, ask them... "Do not kill yourself trying to make a whole Thanksgiving (or Christmas) meal on your own, even if you are the hostess. Ask others to bring the side dishes and you won't be stuck in the kitchen the whole day." - Neyephe

Step 3: Treat Yourself Right

Give yourself a time out... "Always be sure to take care of yourself; eat healthfully, sleep soundly, and take time to do the things that make you feel best, whether it is reading a book, going for a bike ride, or lounging around watching your favorite TV show!" - stylinstar53

Get outside... "Best holiday survival tip: Take a walk!! Stressful family visit? Take a walk. Fussy, overstimulated kids? Take them for a walk. Ate too much at a holiday meal? Take a walk. First holiday without a loved one? Take a walk. Fresh air + nature + movement = stress zapper!!" - aneube

And when all else fails... "My holiday survival go to is a lot of chocolate and red wine. This chocolate and wine combo saves me from the stresses of the holiday season. It helps alleviate all the chaos from dinner parties, holiday shopping and the in-laws. I don't think I would survive without my wine and chocolate. " - Amanda5683

Luckily, there are so many wonderful things about the holiday season. What is your favorite? Tell us and you'll be entered for the chance to win $150 to help with your holiday bills!

There are two ways to enter:

Simply comment below and tell us what you love about the holidays.


Tweet about the giveaway!

Click here to Tweet: "Learned how to survive the holidays + entered a #HolidayBills giveaway, thx to @SheSpeaksUp!

*One lucky commenter or Tweeter will be chosen at random to receive $150 through PayPal, or in the form of a Visa or Amazon gift card (winner's choice.) Giveaway is open through December 4th, 2016 to U.S. residents at least 18 years of age. Entrants must be a member of SheSpeaks. If you are not a member, click here to join. Winner will be notified by email.

Make a Comment

by Cjmunn1879 | LEESVILLE, SC
Dec 04, 2016

My family and I could really use the extra money for Christmas right now. We had completed all of our Christmas shopping and all presents were waiting to be wrapped and placed under the tree when we got it up. On 11/28/2016 someone decided to break into our home and steal everything that we worked so very hard to get. They stole all of the kids Christmas presents (3 kids), all of their game systems, stereos and electronics, all but one of our tvs.. they have placed fear into my children's lives and sadness in all of our hearts. My youngest son is so scared that he has begun to hide his favorite toys in fear that they will come back. We are in need of a Christmas miracle. Thank you!

by Chelsndean | Ironton, OH
Dec 04, 2016

As hard as it can seem sometimes, being with friends and family at the holidays is the best way to spend them!

by etraner | Garner, NC
Dec 04, 2016

I love going home, to my parents' house, with my family and spending time with my sisters and their families. We don't get to see each other throughout the year and the memories we are making me a lot to me.

by amarie622 | Bakersfield, CA
Dec 04, 2016

My favorite thing about the holidays is going to visit family. We hardly get to see anyone anymore since we moved back down to LA this year and most of our family lives about 2+ hours away from us. It's not the easiest to get up to visit so we are able to take a day or two during the holidays to head up and spend time with everyone! We were able to take my mom and brother up with is this time too so they could see my niece and nephews and big sister.

by Mom4Lyfe | Sierra Vista, AZ
Dec 04, 2016

I love that during the holiday it's about being together, playing games, and getting to know what we have missed from eachother over the year with life. Life is precious and you never know whats going to happen so please spend it with family. We just lost my sister in law and its making this holiday season esp hard.

by ncopsy2469 | Indianapolis , IN
Dec 04, 2016

Spending time with my family. Lost my sister and Dad last year within 29 days apart of each other,now my brother is dying. All i have left is my son ,and my new granddaughter, my nephew,my niece and their kids. So were all sad but sticking together. Family is everything, im taking care of my dying brother right now. I lost them and my home last year and now im losing my dads house. I just want stability for my brother so i can keep a roof over his head and mine thru the winter. Praying for a Miracle. God bless you for doing this. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Watching the little ones open their presents is my joy. Im not gonna b able to buy Christmas this year and this is a first for me.

by lisamarie552 | warwick, RI
Dec 04, 2016

spending time with family

by jblc1963 | Bryan, OH
Dec 04, 2016

What I love most about the holidays is having all my family together, Christmas shows, and driving around looking at all the Christmas lights and decorations!

by whitakerl | MILWAUKIE, OR
Dec 04, 2016

I love all the family gatherings and the smile on my daughters face when she sees all the surprises Santa left for her on Christmas morning.

by Keltz129 | Mankato, MN
Dec 04, 2016

I l Remaking the magic come alive for my children.

by Stolley-child6537 | Southaven, MS
Dec 04, 2016

What I love about the holidays is being able to see my family out of state and not having to worry about studying for nursing school for a few short weeks! ❤

by Angel1tn | Tullahoma , TN
Dec 04, 2016

What I love about holidays is taking a break from stress and spending time with family

by Layncon | Ganado, AZ
Dec 04, 2016

The laugher, the excitement, and the love we all share for one another

Dec 04, 2016

I love all the family time at the holidays. I also love christmas lights, trees and caroling.

by deannaheil | JEROME, ID
Dec 04, 2016

I love spending time with family and making memories!
