Don't Break these #BigGamePartyRules!
Plus, Enter to Win a YETI Rambler 4-Pack.

    by   SheSpeaksTeam   

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Jan 24, 2018

Will you watch the Super Bowl for the game, the commercials, or as an excuse to eat as many chicken wings as you want? Whatever your reason, Big Game parties come with more etiquette rules than you may realize.

Avoid a Super Bowl party faux pas by following our advice below.

Then tell us if you agree and you'll be entered to win a YETI Ramber Lowball 4-Pack, the insulated cups everyone's talking about.

Issue #1: You hate the game but love the commercials. When can you chat with your friends?

The Super Bowl party is not the best time to catch up with a friend you haven't seen in a while. If you both agree that football is not your priority, pick a spot away from the TV to chat while the game is playing. But remember that everyone in the room will likely be able to hear you, so if you are loud during the game, you can't shush others during the commercials.

Issue #2: Half the people coming to your party are on diets. But a Super Bowl isn’t a Super Bowl without your Famous Cheesy Bacon Nachos. Do you serve them?

YES! Serve a veggie plate next to it for people who care, or make the night a potluck so others can bring what they want to eat. Have those once-a-year treats, and enjoy them. Just don't push your delicious nachos on guests who don't want them. After all, with less people splurging, there will be more for you!

Issue #3: You have friends who are diehard fans of the Eagles. Other friends are extreme Patriots fans. Should you invite them both?

Of course! Trash talk is part of the fun. However, you might want to have a spare TV in the basement or bedroom. If things get too dicey, be prepared to separate your fans.

Issue #4: You get up to refill your drink. Someone takes your seat. Should you ask them to move or sit elsewhere?

In most cases, you should find somewhere new to sit. But if you really want to keep your seat, try this: As you get up, shout "fives!" This reserves your seat for five minutes. If your crowd accepts this, you are good - but make sure to come back quickly. However, if someone comes by, sees the empty seat and screams "MOVE YOUR FEET, LOSE YOUR SEAT" before sitting down, then you better find a new place to park.

Issue #5: The host wants to have fun bets about the game but you don't want to play. Should you participate?

It's best to join in to some degree. If you really don't want to play, offer to be the official judge of the game, though this may involve you counting talking animals or "wardrobe malfunction" mentions. But try to participate. After all, you are a guest and sometimes you just have to play by the house rules.

Do you agree with these etiquette rules? What other ones do you have? Tell us for the chance to win a YETI Rambler Lowball Cup 4-pack!

There are three ways to enter:

  1. Comment below and tell us what Big Game party faux pas you will be avoiding.
  2. Tweet about the giveaway: Click HERE to Tweet: “Making sure not to break any #BigGamePartyRules & entering to win a @YETICoolers 4-pack, thx to @SheSpeaksUp"
  3. Post on Instagram a pic showing your Super Bowl excitement (worth 5 entries). Tag #BigGamePartyRules, #SheSpeaks and #entry.

*One lucky commenter, Tweeter, or Instagrammer will be chosen at random to receive a YETI Rambler 4-pack of 10oz Vacuum Insulated Stainless Steel Lowball with Lid, valued at $79.99. Giveaway is open through February 11, 2018 to U.S. residents at least 18 years of age. Entrants must be a member of SheSpeaks. If you are not a member, click here to join. Winner will be notified by email.


Update: Thanks to all who entered. Congrats to our winner, SheSpeaks member dlcama!

Make a Comment

Feb 22, 2018

Yes, they all seem pretty reasonable.

by dogtrainer | Porter, TX
Feb 11, 2018

I try to have healthy, tasty snacks for everyone to enjoy. I love the commercials, so I try really hard to keep the comments short. I also bring something to do if I get bored with the game.

by FireRunner2379 | Bowling Green, OH
Feb 11, 2018

I tweeted:

by FireRunner2379 | Bowling Green, OH
Feb 11, 2018

I won't talk too much during the game, instead I'll snack to keep my mouth busy!

by celtic94 | ORCHARD PARK, NY
Feb 10, 2018

I will be avoiding running out of any food or cold drinks for the entire night! That is going to be a feat, but I know I can do it and not let anyone down! #BigGamePartyRules

by curiousone | NEW HOPE, PA
Feb 10, 2018

This year there will only be Eagle fans at our party (not by direct design). Everyone is expected to bring their enthusiasm and participate as their personality suggests! FlyEaglesFly!

by kuchick | Abilene, KS
Feb 09, 2018

there are no Faux Pas at our party we have been the same three couples for the last four years and we hang out all the time already so we are just like family. Anything goes and if someone does something weird someone will probably join in.

by LeahSaysViews | JOPLIN, MO
Feb 08, 2018

We have areas set up for those whom are die-hard game watchers, those whom like to play card games etc, and an area for the children to play and have fun.

by bellagirl07 | jacksonville, OR
Feb 08, 2018

by bellagirl07 | jacksonville, OR
Feb 08, 2018

My Big Game faux pas are people who yell too much during the game.

by kdraebell | FLINT, MI
Feb 08, 2018

Gotta make sure you got enough food!!

by BiancaBlogs | MELROSE, MA
Feb 08, 2018

I avoid ordering from any restaurants unless I've called ahead because otherwise it's CRAZY trying to make your way through the lines!

by ddsisel | MUSKEGO, WI
Feb 08, 2018

Bloody Mary without alcohol.

by saltpep | ELGIN, IL
Feb 08, 2018

Don't talk during the game while others are watching. Move away to another room to talk about stuff other than football. Its a football party after all!

by photos | Schaumburg, IL
Feb 08, 2018

Have to have a lot of snacks!
