Summer Entertaining Survey: The Results Are In. Check Them Out & Enter to Win a $25 Gift Card!

    by   SheSpeaksTeam   

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Jun 26, 2019

We recently asked you, our members, if you plan to host a get-together this summer, and if so, to tell us about it! We wanted to know about your entertaining and shopping habits – where you're shopping, what you're serving, who you're hosting and more.

Your voices have been heard! We learned that women are splurging for higher-quality products when entertaining and that chips, crackers, and cheese top the list for your go-to snacks.

Check out some of the results below, and then enter for the chance to win a $25 gift card to your favorite grocery store!

Do you agree with these results? What items do you splurge on when entertaining? What's on your go-to shopping list when you host?

Tell us by commenting below and you'll be entered to win a $25 grocery store gift card!

As always, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!

*One lucky constestant will be chosen at random to receive a $25 gift card to their choice of grocery store, provided that the gift card can be easily purchased online. Giveaway is open through July 14th, 2019 to U.S. residents at least 18 years of age. Entrants must be a member of SheSpeaks. If you are not a member, click here to join. Winner will be notified by email.

Make a Comment

by LoriR57 | Toledo, OH
Jul 26, 2019

I usually make desserts, salads and meats; but buy crackers, cheeseballs and cheeses, chips, breads or buns & paper plates & napkins.

by gkhanch | FARMINGTN HLS, MI
Jul 17, 2019

chips and dips.

by SIMPLELIfehomestead | EL DORADO SPG, MO
Jul 14, 2019

Food at walmart Decorations at Party city

by catnip1222 | ROCKY FACE, GA
Jul 14, 2019

I thought frozen foods would be a larger percentage. Ice cream parties must not be as popular as I thought!

by Oki2cali | SAN ANTONIO, TX
Jul 13, 2019

The stats do seem accurate and most common when hosting get togethers or parties . A common thing I consider buying or having is chips and dip as well as drinks . It's easy to prepare and clean up.

by Jenn0316 | CAPE CORAL, FL
Jul 13, 2019

If I had taken these surveys my results would pretty much be the same as the majority answer of each question. If I'm hosting I generally splurge on decorations. My host shopping list will always have baby back ribs, corn on the cob and red potatoes.

by Karenf | AUSTIN, TX
Jul 12, 2019

I agree with the above but do not put out cookies. Usually veggies, dips, cheese, and crackers.

by Jhkansas | LAWRENCE, KS
Jul 11, 2019

I agree. Chips, dip, cheese, summer sausage and crackers are a go to party purchase.

by sweetheart4171 | LANDISVILLE, NJ
Jul 11, 2019

I agree with the results, when hosting I feel cheese, crackers, chips/dip are the easiest go to snacks for a party as everyone never turns it down.

by shonvic1981 | GRAND PRAIRIE, TX
Jul 11, 2019

I agree with the results. Shopping at the grocery store is truly a favorite of mine. I love preparing my own cheese/meat platter, chips/salsa and various desserts.

by lalanieortiz | MEDFORD, OR
Jul 11, 2019

My family usually splurges on meat and prepared foods when we have get togethers.

by tjs68111 | SPOTTSVILLE, KY
Jul 11, 2019

Yes, I agree especially on the chips & dip, and cheese platters but ours usually have something not very many others have...bacon wrapped dove...❤❤

by LuvtoDream | FOLSOM, CA
Jul 11, 2019

Yes, I do agree with these survey results. When I'm hosting friends over for a summer meal, I buy some nice meat like steak and or ribs or salmon, box rice pilaf or potatoes, lots of fresh veggies for salad and I usually make a homemade pie and pair it with ice cream. For appetizer I buy grapes, fresh fruit, crackers, cheese, almonds and chips and salsa. I do most of my shopping at the grocery store.

Jul 11, 2019

I agree with the results; but was surprised to see cheeses with such a high percentage...I never buy cheeses for entertaining.

by MelissaMills23 | Clearwater, FL
Jul 10, 2019

I agree with the info above. I love to splurge on sweets or protein
