Save for Retirement with Prudential

    by   SheSpeaksTeam   

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Nov 15, 2023

@theclassymamabear, @kristensellentin

Retirement planning is something that affects everyone, but it disproportionately affects women. Women often spend time out of the workforce caregiving for children and/or aging parents, impacting their ability to save for retirement. With Prudential, you can get the help you need to plan for your future.

See how SheSpeaks influencers are turning to Prudential for help being financially fearless!

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Jazmin Griffith (@iamthesocialista)

Enter our giveaway below for a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card. 

Prudential Retirement Giveaway

One lucky winner will be chosen at random to receive a $50 VISA gift card. Giveaway  is open to U.S. residents 18 years or older. Enter through December 14, 2023. Winner will be chosen randomly and notified by email. Entrants must be a member of SheSpeaks. If you are not a member, click here to join.

Thanks to all who entered! Congrats to our winner SheSpeaks member cj678076

Make a Comment

by cshell691 | VINELAND, NJ
Dec 13, 2023

Save, save, save!!!!

by Sullysmom | HOLLY POND, AL
Dec 09, 2023

Save your money for the future.

by 1annuity | SOUTH JORDAN, UT
Dec 02, 2023

Save, save, save.

by 1annuity | SOUTH JORDAN, UT
Dec 02, 2023

I need to commit to better finances in 2024.

by shonvic1981 | GRAND PRAIRIE, TX
Nov 21, 2023

It's never too early to start planning for retirement.

by shonvic1981 | GRAND PRAIRIE, TX
Nov 21, 2023

It's never too early to start planning for retirement.

by simbalala | Rockaway, NJ
Nov 18, 2023

Thank you

by tiramisu888 | harrison, NY
Nov 17, 2023

Great info on how to plan and save for retirement!

by millitt | Fort Worth, TX
Nov 17, 2023

I hope I win!

by wikkdxxx | CLARKSBURG, WV
Nov 16, 2023

Planning ahead is extremely important!

by MMaryrobertson4 | PELLA, IA
Nov 16, 2023

Can't wait to retire!!

by Yayawelch | Newnan , GA
Nov 15, 2023

I?ve been planning for many years. This is great informative

by Mindy49 | MCGREGOR, MN
Nov 15, 2023

Good points.

by kellil | WARSAW, NY
Nov 15, 2023

What a great way to plan for retirement

by jcp542 | SEAL BEACH, CA
Nov 15, 2023

Planning is so important
