Need More Sleep? Enter Our #SleepGiveaway to Get More Rest & Win A Sheet Set or $100 Gift Card!

    by   SheSpeaksTeam   

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Jun 01, 2017

My husband and I have major sleep differences. He can fall asleep in one minute, anytime, anywhere. I've had bouts of insomnia my whole life - sometimes I can't fall asleep and sometimes I can't stay asleep. While I toss and turn, it's so hard not to be angry at the man dozing next to me.

So what is the best way to get a full-nights rest? I think I may just have figured out a plan...

What helps you sleep? Tell us and you could win either a Wamsutta® Dream Zone® 1000-Thread-Count PimaCott sheet set (valued at $249!) or a $100 Bed Bath & Beyond gift card!


Of course there are apps to help people sleep. There are apps to help people do everything these days. Sleep apps do everything from guide you on how to relax to play soothing music. The newest ones even track your sleep cycles and wake you up at the optimal time. Heathline recently released a list of their favorites and Emily, who works at SheSpeaks, swears by the Fitbit app. It tells you the quantity and quality of your sleep and then gives tips based on those sleep patterns.

Avoid electronics an hour before bed

Great idea, but when I get into bed I always remember those little things I forgot to do, like asking a friend to drive my kids home from school the next day. Before I know it, I'm on my phone texting. But I do try to wind down on social - because once I've read the news, I have no chance of relaxing.


Props (Body pillow, Sound machine, Make lists)

Turns out, there's lots of simple sleep gadgets that don't need wifi. SheSpeaks staffer Madeleyn can't sleep without her sound machine playing background white noise, while Lori loves her new body pillow since it gives her something to cuddle and balances out her spine. And my friend Andrea sleeps with a notebook on her nightstand to write down all the thoughts that swarm her head.

Nighttime Routine

I'm a stickler for routine so I decided to try keeping to one at night. For the last few weeks, right at about 9:30, I watch a mindless show to clear my mind, get in my pjs, brush my teeth and get in to bed. And guess what: this actually works! That is, when I can have the time to do it. But sometimes, I'm out late and I crawl into bed. Or I'm up past my bedtime doing all the chores I didn't get a chance to do during the day. So yes, routines are great. When you can stick to them.

Exercise regularly. Don't eat close to bedtime.

Yeah, these sound smart. I'll try that tomorrow.

Clear Your Mind

I've tried meditation, which cures insomnia for many people. But I have a hard time stopping my mind from racing. Then someone recently told me to count backwards. I start at 100 and count down by 3s or 4s. It distracts me and is easy enough that I don't need to think too hard. This especially works when I've woken up in the middle of the night - anything to help me relax.

Give Up

When all else fails, get out of bed and do something productive with your time. Whether it's reading, drawing or binging on Netflix, sometimes the best thing to do is to give yourself a break!

After all these years, I've learned that stressing out about sleep just causes more insomnia. So I'm going to stick with what works for me - turning off the news, keeping a routine, and doing boring math. What works for you? There are certainly enough options to try.

Tell us what helps you sleep for the chance to win your choice of either a Wamsutta® Dream Zone® 1000-Thread-Count PimaCott® sheet set (valued at $249!) or a $100 Bed Bath & Beyond gift card!

There are two ways to enter:

Simply comment below and tell us what you do to fall, and stay, asleep.


Tweet about the giveaway!

Click here to Tweet: "Need more sleep so I entered the @SheSpeaksUp #SleepGiveaway to win a Sheet Set or $100 gc!"

Don't forget to enter our Social Connections Giveaway for your chance to win one of three customizable PopSockets!

*One lucky commenter or Tweeter will be chosen at random to receive the winner's choice of either a Wamsutta® Dream Zone® 1000-Thread-Count PimaCott® King Sheet Set in Taupe or a $100 gift card to Bed Bath & Beyond. Giveaway is open through June 18th, 2017 to U.S. residents at least 18 years of age. Entrants must be a member of SheSpeaks. If you are not a member, click here to join. Winner will be notified by email.

Update: Thanks to everyone who entered. Congrats to the winner, SheSpeaks member Gina679!

Make a Comment

by rosemships | CONROE, TX
Aug 01, 2017

I take a break from my computer, get ready and wash face and teeth, and I lie down.

by Rdeselle1 | Mansura, LA
Jul 31, 2017

I turn on my old box fan and the tv, and off to sleep I go!

by Rdeselle1 | Mansura, LA
Jul 31, 2017

I turn on my old box fan and the tv, and off to sleep I go!

by orrella | Greenville, SC
Jul 29, 2017

I don't remember driving to work for an entire 5 year block of time. Scary huh? Miserable, yep! No matter what time I went to bed, I would wake up to pee at 3am and never go back to sleep. I would work from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and was on auto pilot. After trying everything including was a test of my hormones that ended up being the key that unlocked my precious slumber of days gone by. I was walking around with almost no testosterone. Two days into hormone therapy, I slept so hard that I didn't know where I was when I woke up. This treatment saved my life and it was VERY temporary (3 mo) and my body started making it on it's own.

by dunkidsmom | Overland Park, KS
Jul 28, 2017

I take 20 minutes in a quiet room to stretch and relax my whole body. I climb into bed and am asleep within minutes!

by thehut | Round Rock, TX
Jul 21, 2017

I relax reading before bed, have as routine that i musdt gho by or i can't sleep at night

by spazbam | Clay, NY
Jul 20, 2017

i read a magazine for a little and then turn out the lights

by mich61 | CATHEDRAL CTY, CA
Jul 19, 2017

1 sleep aid

by elizdup | Tomball, TX
Jul 14, 2017

All great tips !! Thank you!

by tumcsec | TUSCALOOSA, AL
Jul 12, 2017

I always read when I go to bed. If I'm really tired a couple of chapters will do the trick. Sometimes I find myself reading for an hour before my eyes get heavy. Now that I'm retired I can sleep a full 7 to 8 hours before arising.

Jun 30, 2017

i got a massage this week and it made me instantly relaxed and total could use this to make me fall asleep

by TLThomas1024 | New Braunfels, TX
Jun 26, 2017

I have to have my special pillow.

by wifey622 | HOLLYWOOD, FL
Jun 20, 2017

Take a bath with some lavender oil. Also drink chamomile tea before bed.

by Kimber78 | DEMOSSVILLE, KY
Jun 20, 2017

I suffer from insomnia and have fibromyalgia. I take prescribed meds but they don't always work. I bought black out curtains, I don't watch tv, use my color Nook, or my cell because the light from electronics keep me awake. I keep the room cool and dark. I read a paper book with a low light book light, or listen to books on CD, or ocean waves. If my husband is snoring, I use ear plugs.

by Jennifer12345 | unsubscribe, FL
Jun 19, 2017

I snuggle with my 4-year-old. For some reason, all my worries melt away and the next thing I know she's kicking me out of bed with her little feet.
