Get Up & Move... And Win an iTunes Gift Card!

    by   SheSpeaksTeam   

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May 03, 2017

Odds are, you are sitting down and reading this blog post right now. How long has it been since you got up? If it's been more than 30 minutes, we encourage you to get up and move your body. (After you finish reading this, of course - you wouldn't want to miss out on a chance to win a $25 iTunes gift card!)

Wednesday, May 3 was National Get Fit Don't Sit Day(TM), sponsored by the American Diabetes Association (ADA). This day-long event calls on everyone to take breaks at least every thirty minutes, especially while at work. But just because the official day has passed, doesn't mean you can't still keep it going!

The goal of National Get Fit Don't Sit Day is to start a conversation about how harmful it is to be sedentary and how helpful it can be to get physically active. The good news is that it doesn't take that much to get your body moving. The ADA suggests that every half an hour you spend three minutes moving your body. That could be anything from walking to jumping to stretching your muscles.

Try the following ideas from the ADA:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Get up and take a quick walk around your office.
  • If you take public transportation, get off one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.
  • Stand up and stretch at your desk.
  • Use a speaker or mobile phone so you can pace around your office during conference calls.
  • Tap or wiggle your foot while working at your desk.


At SheSpeaks, we're pledging to take advantage of National Get Fit Don't Sit Day by stopping work every 30 minutes. We'll try to walk around the office (not just looking for a snack!), touch our toes, do lunges, or just dance. We're hoping that if we start today, we will get into a habit of taking breaks and moving just a little bit more.

Will you join us? Tell us below what you are doing to move your body on your break. You could win a $25 iTunes gift card - since it's more fun to move with music!

There are two ways to enter:

Simply comment below and tell us what exercise you are doing to move more today than you did yesterday.


Tweet about the giveaway!

Click here to Tweet: "I'm moving more on Nat'l #GetFitDontSit Day and entering the iTunes giveaway, thx to @SheSpeaksUp!"

*One lucky commenter or Tweeter will be chosen at random to receive a $25 gift card to iTunes. Giveaway is open through May 21th, 2017 to U.S. residents at least 18 years of age. Entrants must be a member of SheSpeaks. If you are not a member, click here to join. Winner will be notified by email.

Make a Comment

by mgruce | COLDEN, NY
Jun 14, 2017

just joined kickboxing.. love it

by ooster1 | ALOHA, OR
Jun 04, 2017

I walk a lot and my fitbit alta helps to remind me to move

by tracmatzke | Birch Run, MI
May 21, 2017

I am walking!

by sheann | MCLEAN, VA
May 21, 2017


by cece03 | HUNTSVILLE, AL
May 21, 2017

Walking/Running, I like walking through my neighborhood or going for a run on the indoor track at my gym

by winchamp | SPRING, TX
May 19, 2017


by cybersherri1 | Aliso Viejo, CA
May 18, 2017


by hipsterchick | COLUMBIA, MO
May 18, 2017

We have been walking every morning and every night! Gotta get those steps in!!!

by Mommahix | Texarkana, TX
May 18, 2017

Walk 4 times around my office! That equals 1 mile!!

by peaches0582 | N DINWIDDIE, VA
May 18, 2017

Simply Fit Board :)

by Firefighter760 | ELKHORN CITY, KY
May 18, 2017

I am always moving, I work as a waitress so I never sit throughout a shift. I've always felt better as long as I was up and at it, I wasn't made to be dormant.

by deerlee | Naples, FL
May 17, 2017

more running

by candries | Carthage, TX
May 17, 2017

I walk 2 miles every evening after work.

by betsybabe | STERLINGTON, LA
May 17, 2017

I did yoga today!

by Amy197612 | PLATTSBURGH, NY
May 17, 2017

I'm taking last little bit longer walks these days. It's just about summer, why not!!
