Check out New Heinz Ketchup with a Blend of Veggies + Enter to Win an Air Fryer and some Ketchup

    by   SheSpeaksTeam   

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Oct 24, 2019


We’re all looking for ways to get our families to eat more vegetables, right? We recently discovered Heinz Tomato Ketchup with a Blend of Veggies. It tastes great, and we love that it contains real carrots and butternut squash for extra veggie goodness. The taste is kid-approved!

Each bottle contains 25% added veggies and has 25% less added sugar than regular ketchup. And the best part? NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup. You can pick up this new Heinz Tomato Ketchup with a Blend of Veggies at Walmart!

Enter below to win Heinz Tomato Ketchup  with a Blend of Veggies and an Air Fryer so you can cook all sorts of things to dip in our favorite condiment!

#HeinzVeggieKetchup Giveaway


*One lucky contestant will be chosen at random to receive an Air Fryer ($60 value) and Heinz Veggie Ketchup with a Blend of Veggies. Giveaway is open through Friday, November 15, 2019 to U.S. residents at least 18 years of age. Entrants must be a member of SheSpeaks. If you are not a member, click here to join. Winner will be notified by email.

Update: Thanks to all who entered! Congrats to our winner, SheSpeaks member bgv1949.

Make a Comment

by alpal99 | Orlando, FL
Nov 15, 2019

French fries of course!

by vzavala8 | BAKERSFIELD, CA
Nov 15, 2019

As weird as this sounds and this is mainly because of my husband, but I love putting ketchup on my jasmine rice lol

by mnleona | Harris, MN
Nov 15, 2019

I only buy Heinz Tomato Ketchup

by mnleona | Harris, MN
Nov 15, 2019

I already only buy Heinz Tomato Ketchup and I would like to try this.

by wdionisiolover | DELTONA, FL
Nov 15, 2019

I use it for fries, fish sticks, chicken sandwiches or nuggets

by JenNoh32 | Rochester, MN
Nov 15, 2019


Nov 15, 2019

Great for just about anything except cereal.

by Mistyc80 | BLACKSBURG, VA
Nov 15, 2019

Can't wait to try this ketchup on fries!

by jreagan | GARRETTSVILLE, OH
Nov 15, 2019

I always keep ketchup on hand. We use it on fries, burgers, hotdogs and many more things. I'd love a chance to try new heinz ketchup and an air fryer!

by adellag | COVINGTON, LA
Nov 15, 2019

I love ketchup on fries, chicken nuggets and burgers.

by floryb | miami, FL
Nov 15, 2019

i eat ketchup in everything... specially when somebody else cook lol

by Woo-hoo | PAISLEY, FL
Nov 15, 2019

Looking forward to trying Heinz Veggie Ketchup with a Blend of Veggies.

by pureimaginari | LAPEER, MI
Nov 15, 2019

I don't eat Ketchup ' on' anything. I eat food on my ketchup. As far as I'm concerned, Ketchup is a food delivery system. For example, when I go out to eat, I eat more Ketchup than fries. People look at me funny when they see the mountain of ketchup I eat with my fries...but it's so darn good!

by bichonmom | GARDEN CITY, MI
Nov 14, 2019

Mostly french fries!

by Naffy786 | FERNDALE, WA
Nov 14, 2019

I love ketchup on my French fries, onion rings and taters.
